Fancy Hot Chocolate with Decorated Marshmallows – So exquisite!
My hot chocolates typically comes from Swiss Miss packets, whatever is inside the machine at work, and the rare occasion of Godiva hot chocolate powder. It was rarely (if ever) fancy hot chocolate. Marshmallows don’t appear too often, but when they do, they’re usually the generic grocery store packaged ones – definitely not decorated.
A Lovely Gift
I received a can of Williams Sonoma’s Classic Gourmet Hot Chocolate from my father-in-law and his significant other. She is amazing and have quickly picked up on my love for food, and is my “drinking buddy” during Sunday lunches pre-pandemic. A pack of decorated marshmallows was included alongside the fancy hot chocolate.

Initial Thoughts
OK, I won’t lie. I sort of laughed a bit on the inside when I opened the gift because the William Sonoma Haters Guide came to mind. $20 for 8 servings of home made hot chocolate does sound to be excessive, but yet again, I was excited to try this fancy hot chocolate and decorated marshmallows. The canister packaging was really nice, and the decorated marshmallows were so adorable.

Fancy Indeed!
I opened the hot chocolate, and OMG, fancy indeed! This was my first time seeing hot chocolate as shaved chocolate instead of powder. OK, so the price of this stuff makes a bit more sense. WS’s site states ,”Inspired by the velvety hot chocolate served at the renowned Angelina café in Paris, our hot chocolate is produced from shavings of premium chocolate rather than cocoa powder for a rich, intensely chocolaty flavor, smooth texture and exquisite aroma. For the silkiest sip, we chose a couverture bittersweet chocolate from Guittard that melts quickly and consistently in hot milk. The result is a world-class beverage with a perfectly balanced chocolate flavor.”

Delicious, and Trying to Conserve
Fancy hot chocolate shavings required milk instead of water. It was fairly simple to heat up milk and mix in the chocolate shavings according to the instructions. There are only 8 servings in one canister, and between the husband, 2 kids, and myself, that only allows us to enjoy this elevated hot chocolate twice. We decided to make less than a serving a person to stretch the amount of hot chocolate and to enjoy more often.
Worth It?
This is tasty hot chocolate, but is it worth it at its price point? I don’t think I will purchase the hot chocolate or the decorated marshmallows, at least not while I’m sober. If a friend or family member shows interest in these products, I’d be happy to send some as a gift, but it isn’t something I would typically purchase for myself. I’m extremely grateful and delighted that I did get to try this though! Besides, the packaging to this was better than the fancy “cereal,” LOL.

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