Everyplate – The Cheaper Hello Fresh
I tried another meal kit subscription service, all thanks to Ibotta again. This time it’s Everyplate, and it’s really the cheaper version of Hello Fresh. Here’s my Everyplate review!

Let’s Get the Awkward Part Out of the Way
Everyplate is the cheaper version of Hello Fresh – $4.99 a serving, so 4 meals a week is under $50 with shipping included. Not bad!! That’s at full price, so it’s a bit cheaper the first few deliveries when the discounts take place. I think these are some reasons why Everyplate is cheaper, and is also a part of Hello Fresh –
- The veggies that are individually packaged as the above photo suck, and some of its packaging actually says “Hello Fresh” on the packaging.
- The ingredients are similar-ish quality, but Everyplate may have some crushed items. A pepper and a tomato came crushed in my first delivery.
- Hello Fresh would package the ingredients consolidated by recipe, so it’s easy. Everyplate dumps all the ingredients in a box, so you can either pick the ingredients within the recipe at the time or organize them yourself.
- Everyplate’s delivery dates are limited – I got to choose either Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Nothing else. Darn!
Below are some meal pics to share. I’ve had around 3 weeks of Everyplate!

Everyplate Review – Overall
It’s still cheaper getting ingredients on your own for these recipes, but the recipe cards and convenience make Everyplate worth it. Everyplate doesn’t seem to cater to dietary restrictions as well as Hello Fresh and pricier meal kits though. The price for number of meals work out for us, so this is the one that we’ve been using longer than the “trial period” and I can see us using Everyplate for quite sometime, assuming that the price doesn’t really increase anytime soon!

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