Fitness Journal – Day 16 of 90
Sweet, it’s day 16 of 90 of my 90 day fitness journey! It was such a busy day with work today, but I managed to do my work plus get in today’s workouts. Success!
It was rather difficult to get out of bed this morning. The weather has been a bit on and off, but leaning toward the cold side, making it extra difficult to get out of bed. I warmed myself up with some coffee and heated a Trader Joe’s frozen Philly Cheesesteak Bao Bun for breakfast. There wasn’t much dried mango left, so I finished off the bag. Yum!

Workouts – Part 1 of 2
My goodness, 5 videos for today. My friend told me they were all short, so AWESOME!! I did the first 2 videos before lunch –
- Booty Poppin – one of Cassey’s older PIIT28 videos. If you’re doing her 28 minute a day program, you’ll do this video 4 times to complete your workout of the day. For her other workout plans/calendars, it’s usually once-through, but the problem is that sometimes both sides/both legs aren’t being worked in these videos. I wasn’t going to do the video a second round, so I made sure to switch legs half way through a sequence when one leg is being worked the whole time. Not too bad.
- Lower Abs & Booty Blast – an on and off between lower ab work and booty work.
Lunch Time (And Partially Stress Eating)
I worked as I ate my lunch today. We had hot dogs with the remaining chili, and I added cheese to mine. I initially told myself I would try to ban chips this month, but today is the official day I broke and had a couple servings of potato chips. There were a couple times I had a couple chips without realizing it, but this time it really counted! Chip ban no more! Trader Joe’s Everything Bagel Kettle chips weren’t that great the first time I had them, but this second bag is so much better. The texture felt more of a chip and didn’t have as much of the inconsistencies of staleness texture as the first bag.

Ferrero Rocher Eggs
I got these Ferrero Rocher eggs from Target yesterday, and these are so amazing. These are similar to the regular gold foiled Ferrero Rocher hazelnut candies, but instead of the round shape and the hazelnut chunks on the outside and in, there’s the hazelnut flavor filling throughout the inside after a thin crispy layer. I must have went through bags and bags of these last year, so I’ll try not to do that this year. SO GOOD THOUGH!!
Workouts – Part 2 of 2
I went ahead and did the third video, and I just wasn’t feeling it!
- BRUTAL BOOTY – the video wasn’t that long, but you’re mostly in a position that may be discomforting to the hands, shoulders, and leg. Thank goodness we didn’t do all of one side for this one. My hip-flexors really need work or something. Darn partial joint-immobility!
I got more work done and did the other 2 videos before dinner –
- Lift Your Booty Workout – Somehow I thought I’d feel this one more, but I suppose my booty just wasn’t having it. The moves were very similar to prior weeks’ booty workouts.
- 5 Underbutt Isolation Exercises – Was this the one where you’re on your back most of the time? I got bored so quick and kept checking when the video was almost over. Importantly, I finished!

Dinner – Meatballs in Curry Sauce!
The husband cooked dinner while I was working. He made some sauteed green beans, rice, and meatballs in curry sauce. The kids had some meatballs too, but theirs were plain. There wasn’t too much added salt to these, but wow, my mouth was rather dry after eating these. It made me drink more water though. I did some more work after dinner, hence a this post being a bit later than usual.

Today’s Overview
Sweet, had an amazing amount of protein today. Thank you, meatballs! I’m rather full right now, and feel that I’ll be extra bloated tomorrow. I keep thinking about those Ferrero Rocher eggs. SO GOOD!!

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