Fitness Journal – Day 50 of 90 (OMFG, All the Chocolate, Please!)
It’s day 50 of 90 of this 90 day fitness journal journey! We’re at the start of week 8, and wow, those chocolate cravings and giving in are STRONG today.
Coffee, coffee, coffee! My morning started out with brewed coffee, though I really wanted one of those premium made drinks. I didn’t want one enough to step outside to walk for one though. My usual TJ’s stash is mostly depleted, so I had some jerky and snacked on some Ferrero Rocher candies this morning before work.
Today’s Workouts
Something must have been up if there were just 2 videos for today.
- Quick Sweat – an older video, not too bad. It’s song based, 6 mins of workout time or so.
- Lean & Sculpted Body – here’s the kicker… this one was a 30 minute workout! Yet again, we have a 30 min, a 12 min, and a third video for tomorrow, so today’s workout is shorter than the one tomorrow. This 30 min was a total body workout, working out different parts at the time. Those prayer pulses snuck in during the last minutes.

Lunch & Dinner
Lunch consisted of random things – some honey curry carrots, leftover noodles from my parents, TJ’s frozen teriyaki chicken, etc. Dinner was an item from Hello Fresh that arrived today – Ancho BBQ Sloppy Joes with Pickle Slices and Oven Gold Potatoes. It could have used some slaw or something else other than pickles.
Somehow I craved chocolate more than usual today. My time of the month will officially be late tomorrow… it’s been rather steady the past several months. Weird. I had some Ferrero Rocher chocolates and some Godiva chocolates. Most of the Godiva ones were way too sweet, but I liked the hazelnut ones and the mousse ones. I didn’t like the ones with caramel and the ones with ganache.

Today’s Overview
I should drink more water after all that salty food I had today. It was overall an alright day. Work wasn’t as busy as I anticipated, but got quite a bit done given the circumstances. I received a package today – more wine. LOL… it was from me drinking some wine and then there was a special of 6 bottles for $40 or so, so I ordered that. We’ll see how some of those taste. 🙂

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