Fitness Journal – Day 45 of 90 (Halfway There!)
Wow, it’s day 45 of 90 of this 90 day journey! We’re officially half way there. How crazy… 45 days of straight of blog writing. That’s a record for me!
Holy moly, what a busy work day today. I started this morning with some coffee, the rest of the TJ’s tuna slices, and a string cheese. I grabbed a banana and some candies to snack on as I was working. Apparently today was a “wellness Wednesday” and we were invited to a 30 min HIIT class via Zoom. I joined and did part of that while working in between. It was a pretty good class, very similar to the videos we’ve been doing. Squats, lunges, double leg lifts, etc.

Lunch and Dinner
The husband drove his mom to get her vaccine today, and he picked up some Domino’s Pizza. He got 3 large pizzas. I probably would have preferred a more pizza specialty place that isn’t too generic to try something new, but the kids are so picky! The son only likes pepperoni and olives, and the daughter refuses to eat red sauce, so she gets white pizza. Gross, can’t stand white pizza. We tried a thinner crust pizza for the one I got – sausage, mushrooms, and red peppers. I had around half the pizza during lunch and the other half for dinner.
Today’s Workouts
Today’s Blogilates videos were –
- 5 Minute Fat Attack – quick set of cardio.
- HIIT My Abs Hard – somewhat similar to the first in terms of the movements.
- Fun Indoor Cardio Workout – this was my least favorite one of the day. It was just dragging… movements through a couple songs, not fun for me.
- 20 Minute Waist Whittler Cardio Pilates Workout – we’ve done this one before… several times. 7-ish minute rounds, repeated 3 times.
- Insane Abs & Obliques Workout – wow, this shorter video was non-stop! It started with sit-ups and ended with roll ups and earthquake.

Today’s Overview
Definitely going to get my period by this weekend… I can’t seem to feel full today, and I’ve busted out the ice cream and some chocolate after dinner. Whoops, did not write the ice cream down. It’s so crazy how we’re half way there already! The bad thing is I don’t feel/see any physical differences on me, but I might be getting stronger because the videos don’t feel as hard as they do compared to last month. I finished Wanda Vision tonight, and it’s an interesting series. The husband answered various questions I had, either things I forgot about the Marvel movies or things in comics that I wasn’t familiar with. Good stuff.

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