Fitness Journal – Day 5 of 90
Day 5 of my 90 day journey completed! Glad today is Friday, and it was such a productive work day. I planned to bake a marble cake today, but I decided to take a break from baking this week.

Morning and Early Afternoon
I made my usual coffee and heated up the rest of the box of Trader Joe’s cornbread balls with pepper jack cheese and serrano chile peppers. These are so good, and a serving goes a long way. They taste so good, but then I don’t feel so good because of the salt. On the plus side, it forces me to drink more water!
Today was an assignment drop-off and supply pick-up day for the daughter, which means lunch takeout! The husband picked up some burritos, and those were sooooo good. I do love good burritos. The salsas do so much and can make a burrito much better or worse. I enjoy homemade salsa with a good kick of spice, and cannot go back do the jarred/pre-packaged stuff.

Today’s Workout
Today’s workout was supposed to be a 21 minute stretching video. I decided to do tomorrow’s series of workouts instead because I’ll be at my parents house all day tomorrow and will most likely not have time to do thigh and legs there. The thigh and leg workouts this week were extremely repetitive. They were very doable, but I wonder if I’m doing some of the moves very incorrectly. Thigh workouts aren’t my thing, but I’m getting stronger, right?
I think I’ll modify the Blogilates February workout calendar to switch Fridays and Saturdays since I won’t be home on Saturdays.

Dinner – More Leftovers and Frozen Food. Curses of Online Shopping.
I had the rest of the channa masala and spiced chicken and rice for dinner tonight, alongside with some broccoli, bagel bites, and dumplings. Gah, all that salt from the frozen food, but so good! I was doing so well with not snacking today (had some chocolate), but I feel I may have overate during dinner. Part of that was the feeling of needing to finish everything so that not much is wasted/thrown away.
The kids have been playing Minecraft with my cousins that are closer to their age. I did some online shopping, which I now regret. I’ve had no need or desire to wear “normal” clothing since shelter-in-place, but I’ve been purchasing shirts and pants that are extremely acceptable in public – completely different compared to my PJ/lounge pants and leggings, and sweaters/tank tops.
Overall Day
Holy smokes, Caloric count was higher than I thought, I did not get completely full before dinner, but I suppose that large yummy burrito put the number above 2000. It was worth it though! My taste buds were so happy. Unfortunately, we may have some more car expenses soon. Our van suddenly wouldn’t start and needed a jump. Sigh.

Weekend Time!
Wahoo, looking forward to resting and going for long walks!

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