Fitness Journal – Day 30 of 90 (A Third of the Way There!)
WOW, day 30 of 90!! We’re 1/3 of the way there, and I’m so impressed that we’re continuing through with this. This is amazing.
Typical morning, though it was a bit difficult to get up. I had my coffees with creamer and some Trader Joe’s honey goat cheese with fig and olive crackers. They go pretty well together.
Today’s Workouts
Today’s first 2 videos seemed very familiar. I’m pretty sure they were on last month’s calendar too, but I suppose the more days we do these videos, the more they blend in with each other.
- 10 Minute Full Body Warm Up – simple, very light cardio.
- Silent Death Cardio – some light-ish cardio to a few songs.
- 1000 Abs Challenge – Day 2 – we repeated yesterday’s crunches and added in today’s sit-ups.
I didn’t have anything to weigh down my legs during crunches and sit-ups, so my tail bone area was probably moving around a bit too much that some of the skin rubbed off around that area. The same kind of injury happened when I tried to do 7 days of Blogilates, and stopped after that. I’ll try to continue on with this month/challenge though and see how that goes. Curses!

Would you like some pasta with that cheese? Lunch today consisted of pesto pasta with some corn and chicken, topped with cheese. My goodness, why do I like certain cheeses that much and why can I eat mounds of it? Yum!
After Lunch / Before Dinner
Work, work, work. Then showered. Wow, that raw tailbone area burned as the water touched it.
Dinner and Internet
Dinner consisted of leftovers from last night. Today was rather annoying because the Internet kept going out, and it was just so inconvenient. This month has just been full of inconveniences and frustration, and we’re only on day 2 of March. Tomorrow will be extremely busy with work, so I’d appreciate it if the Internet works 100% since hotspot just doesn’t fully cut it.

Today’s Overview
Not feeling too great today from the frustration with the Internet and my exercises today. I’m feeling so out of it right now and my brain is just so foggy. Times like this, I dream about having absolutely no responsibilities, but reality crushes those dreams.

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