Fitness Journal – Day 31 of 90 (Homemade Lasagna!)
Day 31 of 90 of this fitness journey! Actually, it’s more of a self awareness journey when I think about it since I don’t have a set fitness target within this journey and am not following a diet to reach the goals. Perhaps later down the line as I discover more about myself within these Blogilates exercises and writing it all down using her nice feeling journal (before water got all over it).
Ahh, first Wednesday of the month. I knew today would be a busy one, so I had around 5 cups of coffee today. My coffee maker can brew 12 cups at once, and I usually brew 5 or 6, but I brewed 7 cups today. I also had the same stuff as I did yesterday – Trader Joe’s fig & olive crackers with honey goat cheese. Gotta use that tube of cheese up!
It was all work. So much work. I couldn’t do what I planned on doing in the morning with work because unexpected requests came up and those took a bit of time. My son couldn’t log onto his zoom class this morning because his tablet was doing updates, so he logged on a bit late using my old computer. Luckily I only had a couple calls when my son was in class and he was on mute during my calls.

Lunch Time – Korean Food
Another pick-up/drop-off at the school, so the husband picked up Korean food per the son’s request for many weeks. The place opens at 11:30AM, and the kids’ Wednesday schedule is the old schedule, which means Noon lunch instead of 11:30AM lunch as the other days of the week. I enjoyed a whole order of the spicy tofu stew, and it wasn’t spicy enough for me! It had great flavor and it was salty. The kids really like this place because of the kids meals, which are over twice as much as McD happy meals. The husband got some spicy chicken, which he shared with me. So good… maybe I’ll get that next time.
Today’s Workouts –
I did today’s workouts in many parts, mainly when I was waiting for some reports to generate.
- 10 Minute Fat Burning Cardio Workout – either I wasn’t doing this hard enough or I’ve gotten stronger that this was no big deal. It was low impact though.
- Silent Death Fat Melting Cardio – a short 7 minute one. I didn’t feel much with this one, but was probably too busy to notice. A lot of squats and lunges, I believe.
- 1000 Abs – Day 3. OK, so today’s abs were single leg lifts. That one wasn’t bad at all! We then had to do yesterday’s and the day prior abs – sit-ups and crunches.
F Sit-Ups
If you look up sit-ups or something, you’ll most likely find results about how sit-ups are useless, and how they are likely to harm you than to help you. You may also find results about how a study was done comparing 2 groups – one doing zero sit-ups and one doing actual sit-ups, and there was no difference. I was kind of glad reading about the bad stuff about sit-ups because these are so hard! I can’t do them without using a lot of momentum, and OMG the injuries with these. My friend and I discussed and we agreed that we can sub sit-ups with any other ab exercise of 100 reps or seconds (plank LOL) during this part of the challenge.

Pre-Dinner and Dinner
More work, and some snacking on chips and candies. The husband made a lasagna tonight, and that will most likely be our dinner for the next few days because he made a whole big pan of it. It’s just us 2 that will be eating it. Our son may want some one night, but not the next. He didn’t want it this evening so he and the daughter had the remaining chow mein, chicken, and veggies. They’ve also started watching American Ninja Warrior on Hulu and are rather into it. It was my first time watching, and it was pretty amazing. Some of those people… goals!

Today’s Overview
OMG, thank goodness the Internet was working today. Work was insanely busy, and I would have thrown a tantrum if the Internet was down again. OK day, but I need to get back to finish up some more work for the evening.

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