Fitness Journal

Fitness Journal – Day 33 of 90 (Baked Black & White Cupcakes!)

TGIF, and it’s day 33 of 90 of this 90 day journey! We’re getting stronger each day, both physically mentally, and we’re keeping a streak with writing in our journals. Good stuff!


It was a bit difficult to get up this morning since I had to get up in the middle of the night to pee and had a hard time falling back asleep. I eventually did fall back asleep and my alarm rang, and I was not ready to get up to start the day. Coffee definitely helped, along with some hummus and pita chips. I watch more Mr. Mayor before starting work. 

Today’s Workouts

The 1000 ab challenge is rather flexible since I can do 20 here, another 20 there, just breaking it up whenever. Today’s workouts were – 

  • Shredding for the Wedding Cardio Workout – I remember this one from last month. Low impact cardio workout, pretty good. Made me miss hanging out with friends and having good moments together though.
  • 1000 Abs Day 5 – we add on toe touches today. It’s funny how they call them toe touches because many say you don’t actually touch your toes, but rather just reach for them. Wiggles, single leg drops were ok, crunches were ok and possibly half-assed, and sit-ups were substituted by plank. 

Lunch – More Chipootle

We were going to have some leftovers and random frozen food today, but the son’s teacher called the husband to chat. It turns out that our son is behind in writing and that the teacher expects more writing from him. Lunch was an early one today because the kids break started at 11:30, so we picked up Chipotle. I added some xxxtra hot sauce, and it was hot and good.

Afternoon and After Work

I finished the daily workouts sometime in the afternoon and worked until around 5:40PM or so. Somehow I wanted some cupcakes, so I baked a batch of black and white cupcakes, similar to Sprinkle’s Cupcakes black and white cupcakes. I substituted some ingredients, notably the chocolate bits on top of the frosting, and they turned out delicious. The frosting was halved since it’s too much sugar and I didn’t want to use the last of the powdered sugar tonight.


Tonight’s dinner was more lasagna. I didn’t feel the need to drink some wine tonight so I skipped that. The kids and I watched more American Ninja Warrior, and it’s rather interesting when they talk about the people that are competing. It’s rather inspiring. 

Today’s Overview

I definitely feel the salt today, especially after that Chipotle bowl and hot sauce. My lips were ripping again, so I applied chapstick and drank more water. In fact, I’m having more water as I’m writing this post. The urge to shop is kicking in again, which is no good. Ugh.