Fitness Journal – Day 34 of 90 (Parents’ House)
Day 34 of 90 of this 90 day journey / journey logging! Today was a really chill day at my parents’ place. Yesterday’s Chipotle did nothing today, so I’m extremely disappointed and am very bloated again.
Pretty chill morning of my usual coffee, and finished Mr. Mayor. The new Amy Poehler movie, Moxie, appeared on my front Netflix page so I checked out part of that. I’ll probably finish the rest of it tomorrow. I started making breakfast for the kids and had a string cheese for myself.
Today’s Workouts
We’re still on the 10 day ab challenge, and today is day 6 of that. The workouts today consisted of –
- Knee-Friendly Fat Burn Cardio Workout – not quite sure if I’d classify this as cardio, but it was an alright video. We only do the video once on the Blogilates calendar, but it was made for Cassey’s PIIT program where you do the video 4 times for a full 28 minute a day workout.
- 1000 Abs Day 6 – today we add on butt-ups. My shoulders were not happy with it, and I wasn’t sure if I was going up high enough. The important thing is that it was completed! Older stuff to repeat from days 1 – 5 were crunches, sit-ups (replaced by other stuff/plank), single knee drops, toe reaches, and wiggles.

I got the workout out of the way before heading to my parents’ place. Lunch consisted of fried rice, various rolls, and scallion pancakes. We had tea and candies afterwards.
Dog Park and The Office
We walked the pups to the dog park nearby my parents’ place as it was reopened. It was Snowy’s first time there, and she was a bit shy. Mochi usually hates the dog parks and wants to leave immediately, but she stuck around sticking close to Snowy for a while today. Snowy eventually played with one other dog. So sweet. The Office was on some channel, so I watched some of that in the afternoon. Good times.

It’s no complete dinner without some form of alcohol on Saturday nights @ my parents’ place. We had some scotch to go along our meal tonight. My brother made some pork chops with an awesome mushroom cream sauce. So good! Finally got a decent amount of protein for the day.

Today’s Overview
I feel somewhat uncomfortable, extremely bloated and a bit constipated today. Honestly, I thought I consumed a lot more today based on how I feel, unless I forgot to write something down. Ah well.. hopefully my body will be a bit better tomorrow.

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