Fitness Journal – Day 68 of 90 (TGIF!!)
Woooooo, TGIF!! It’s day 68 of 90 of this 90 day journal journey! This week has gone by so fast.
I didn’t get much sleep last night because I stayed up too late playing Homescapes. Forever curses with that glorified candy crush game. Coffee helped just a little bit, but I was trying to wake up all day. The husband brought me an iced vanilla latte from Starbucks in the afternoon, and I drank the whole thing. No point in saving some for the next day because non-oat milk just doesn’t taste as good the next morning. Anyways, coffee, hash brown, and various TJ’s stuff for breakfast today.
It was definitely not a chill Friday at work today. I woke up to so many emails, but no problem there since I rather get that stuff earlier on the month than the very end of the month.
School Pick-up
Hahaha the daughter had a pick-up at the school today so we ordered some BBQ for lunch. The husband went to the store to buy some ingredients to make more dog food, and then picked up the lunch. He forgot to go to the school! He did so after lunch, but wow… he forgot, LOL.

Mmmm BBQ and sides! I’m getting more and more used to cole slaw. That was something I really disliked when I was younger, but I’m enjoying that stuff these days. It depends on the place and how it’s prepared, but I find myself enjoying more of it these days. Only thing missing was a hot chicken sandwich.
Today’s Workouts
Legs and Thighs day! Today’s videos were –
- Fat Burning Cardio Warm-up – wow, this video is close to 10 years old! The video style was so different than Cassey’s newer videos.
- 20 Minute Quick Thigh & Leg Slimmer – 13 moves or so for 90 seconds each move. It started off pretty good, but it ended with the awkward foot/inner thigh stuff that I don’t really like. Otherwise, not bad.
- 20 Minute Leg Slimming Cardio Pilates Workout – this one was VERY similar to the above. Most of the moves were repeated, but in different orders. There were more of the awkward foot style stuff, which kind of hurt on one leg.
Late Afternoon and Dinner
Mostly more work. I took a shower after work and then wrote my final Hello Fresh week meals review, which will be posted in almost a week. Dinner was more meatballs and pasta. Jeez, my parents really gave us a giant bag of frozen meatballs that we’re slowly going through. The kids are talking to my cousins as they play Minecraft, and they’ve had my phone all evening! I’ll definitely be playing more Homescapes before bed tonight after I get my phone back.

Today’s Overview
Not a bad day to end the work week. I ended up doing some work after yesterday’s post, but nothing stressful as I wasn’t on a need this now deadline and playing with Excel is rather fun. We’re all caught up with Tournament of Champions. When will the next episode be released? Anyways, time to cook another batch of dog food.

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