Fitness Journal – Day 70 of 90 (At Least My Taste Buds are Happy!)
OMG, we’re at the end of Week 10 already. It’s already day 70 of 90 of this 90 day journal journey. We have 3 more weeks left, and that’ll just fly by quickly.
I got close to zero consecutive sleep last night. Mochi ate too much food and had diarrhea, so she barked so much around 2AM, so I took her out so she can do her thing. It took me a while to fall back asleep, as I was laying in bed having anxiety about the second vaccine dose in a couple weeks. Then I got up to pee around 4:30AM, and had more anxiety about the vaccine. Ugh. I finally gave up and got out of bed and had some coffee and some pain meds to fight the headache. Breakfast consisted of some cheese and tater tots.

Today’s Workouts
I’m pleasantly surprised I haven’t crashed yet and was able to compete all of today’s workout videos before heading out to the store –
- Fat Burning Cardio + Core – typical mild cardio workout. Not bad, and it was under 10 mins.
- Extreme Abs Workout – a 25 minute abs workout working various areas of the abs. No repeat moves, which was awesome. Amazing video.
- 10 Minute Lower Ab Flattener – the moves were practically the same as the above video’s portion focusing on the lower abs. I really need that since my lower abs is one of my most troubling areas.
Grocery/Shopping Trip
Surprise… no Trader Joe’s today! What will I eat for breakfast this week?? Chips? Omelettes? Anyways, we went to Target to do our shopping trip today because we needed some more soap and bowls. The husband broke the bowls earlier in the week… sigh. I bought some Barista Oatley Oat Milk, especially since I’m not sure when Starbucks will have that back in stock. So excited to have my coffee with that tomorrow morning… hopefully I’ll remember. The Target is nearby a shopping center, so I hopped into a Lululemon in hopes to get a specific black zip hoodie. I have the hoodie in gray (got it a couple years ago) and it’s amazing, so I want it in black too. They had it in stock, but I was surprised of the material. The material went super downhill and the price went up too. $118 for a different/inferior material hoodie? PASS.

Today’s Lunch and Dinner – Thai Food!
The Thai place we like is nearby the Target, so the husband and I picked up food to bring home. His father and his father’s significant other came over for lunch. Ahhh Thai food is soooo good. I love the spicy stuff. Drunken noodles, extra spicy, is my favorite dish. We ordered at least 10 dishes (bill was over $120), so we had Thai for lunch and leftovers for dinner.
Park Adventures
It was rather hot in the afternoon so I wore my shorts today. We took the kids to the park so they played a bit, while I was sitting around watching them and playing some Homescapes. I noticed I have quite a bit of cellulite on the backs of my thighs… oh aging.. it’s happening so quickly.

Of course, Boba!
We got iTea today, and I really needed it. I got quite a bit of work that came in during the early evening, so I was drinking the boba while doing some work. It helped so much.
I took a shower today, so I’m all clean for the evening, ready to go for tomorrow. Worked a few hours and partially during dinner, so no TV for me this afternoon/evening.

Today’s Overview
I feel that I forgot to log some stuff down today, but that’s because I’m rather tired right now. The milk tea was my only snack today, and if that’s true, I did pretty well. Most vegetables contain quite a bit of carbs naturally (I learned this when the FIL (he’s been on keto diet) was giving all his carrots to his significant other because they have too many carbs for his diet. There are only 4 veggies that he’s allowed to eat. That really surprised me because that’s just another form of carbs, as most people would just think starch and sugars. So based on that, a salad can be a high carb meal… so interesting! Anyways, I think I did pretty well today. There was nearly no down time for me to snack on various things. Oh wait, I tried a new kettle chip today. That’s what I forgot to write down! It was a kettle chip with ridges, salt & pepper flavor. I’m not sure why I thought it would taste different than said, but it wasn’t that great.

Weekly Recap
Wooooow, Week 11 starts tomorrow! 10 whole weeks have passed. This week was mostly work productive and not self productive. There are certain things I want to get done around the house, so I’d like to write down what I want to get done, such as remodeling the stairs, get rid of the popcorn ceilings, etc. The issues are mostly time and money, unfortunately. I got all the workout videos done, even with the sore arm the first couple days of the week. Yaaay for certain modifications, but I do hope I build the strength and motivation to be able to do all the moves without. Anyways, here we are… onto another week!

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