Fitness Journal – Day 77 of 90 (Another Day of Family Meals)
It’s day 77 of 90 of this 90 day journal journey, and it’s back to work tomorrow. Today was one of those days where I had nearly zero me time (does a shower count?) because of family.
Typical morning, nothing special there. Had some buns that my parents gave us last night for breakfast, and some coffee with oat milk.

Grocery Shop and Lunch
We didn’t go to TJ’s last week, but we went this morning! OMG, we bought so many groceries. The husband’s dad and his dad’s significant other was coming over for lunch, and we ordered some Mexican food. Mmmm burritos! The husband got sopes.
Today’s Workouts
Yaayyyyy, it’s abs day. Today’s videos were –
- Apartment Friendly Warmup – quick warm-up video, mild cardio.
- 5 Best Exercises to Flatten Your Lower Belly – I need to do these types of videos more often… like screw legs & thighs, and do this stuff instead, LOL.
- Lower Belly Flattener – another short video. Sensing a theme here with the lower abs.
- 5 Lower Ab Isolation Exercises – somehow this one much harder for me than I feel it should be, but was similar to the above 2.
- Muffintop Massacre – this one works the obliques. I need that too because I don’t have much of a waist shape. This video was also the longest one today… I knew there was a catch somewhere!

Trader Joe’s Goodies – Glazed Vanilla Bean Scones
I didn’t see these a couple weeks ago, but saw them today! The person bagging our groceries today said so many good things about these. They got them in recently and they sold over 70 bags of these yesterday. So exciting! Everyone here liked them, even the kids. The vanilla bean flavor was really good. I bit into it and the first thing I thought was that these are not Larry David approved scones! These are on the softer side, so not typical of the more hard-textured crumbly scone.
Dinner – @ Parents’ House
My mom called asking if we would come over for dinner because they got some sea urchin/uni. I was hoping for a chill night in, but we went for dinner since they wanted us to be there. The uni was pretty good. We also had some sake to go along with everything. I limited myself to just 2 shots of sake because I had some wine during lunch, and I don’t want to risk a headache tomorrow for work.

I’m having massive munchies right now. There were still some chips leftover from lunch so I’ve been eating those with the salsa as I was writing this post. Tortilla chips are usually meh to me, but the chips from this place are really good. Mmm!

Today’s Overview
Overall a good day, but I wish there were more hours today. I’m not ready to start tomorrow yet as I fee that I need some massive me time tonight. Headaches today weren’t too bad. They worsen sometime after meals, so I wonder if I’m just really sensitive to something out there. Minor headache after lunch, but not too bad.

Weekly Recap
That’s the end of Week 11, and here we are to start Week 12. Then it’ll just be 1 more week until this 90 day journal journey is completed. I’ve been doing / consuming mostly of the same stuff lately, especially during the morning. My parents gave us some fruits, veggies, and some other stuff, so I think I’ll try making smoothies out of them and trying to see if that’ll help with energy in the morning. Perhaps some bananas, nuts, veggies, lemon or something. This week was rather busy with work early on, but then was super chill during the smaller second half of the week (Friday – today). I’m really scared for next week to come, but once that second vaccine shot is done, hopefully less anxiety after that!

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