I Tried Orangetheory, and Here’s my Week 1 Experience!
1st Class Free
It’s been a while since I’ve really worked out (thank you pandemic), and I decided that I needed to get back into the exercise game. I used to be able to run (like back in 2007 and prior), but nowadays, I’m exhausted after running 2 blocks (I did make the train, thank you very much). Instead of signing back up to Barre, I decided to do some cardio/strength this time to attempt to get back to what I used to do and to build some muscle. Orangetheory showed up on my Yelp search results (was looking for a nearby fitness place) and the 1st class is free, so I went ahead and signed up.
Signing Up for 1st Class Process
You put down your information, then select which class you’d like to select, enter your credit card info (yeah, wasn’t a fan of that, but whatever), and receive confirmation that you are signed up. It says to show up 30 mins before the class starts so that you can see the studio and fill out paperwork and all that good stuff.
Getting to the Studio
The Orangetheory studio lies somewhere between my place and the train station. 20 min walk from my place to Orangetheory and 15 min walk from Orangetheory to the train station. Perfect for getting a workout over with before going to work!
Before Class Starts / General Info
I got to the studio around 30 mins before my first class, and filled out some waiver forms. Got a brief tour of the studio – where the lockers are, bathrooms, showers. Small space, but helpful. They also told me about their heart rate monitor / Orangetheory band to wear during class. It was free this time (free first class), but it would cost $10 if you rent it out each class if you don’t have your own.
Great Customer Service
So it turns out that I mistyped my email address upon signing up, so they helped me with that and kept me up to date. Their phone number is actually for text, so they texted me when that was fixed. So good!
The Machines
There was a 10 minute break between the prior class ending and the next class starting. The newbies were introduced to the instructor during this break and we were shown the treadmill basics (how to select our name on the monitor, selecting incline and speed), rowing basics (strapping feet in and pulling), and seeing our name and stats on the big screen along with everyone else’s names/stats.
There’s quite a bit of OTF (OrangeTheory Fitness) terminology and I’m learning more each time. The classes I’ve taken so far are all “2G” which means 2 Groups – start on the rower or start on the treadmill. Another term they taught me was “splat.” This refers to the various zones based on the heart rate throughout the workout. A splat point is each minute you’re in the orange or red zone.
Pick Your Number
Each treadmill, rower, and weights/floor space is numbered. You get to pick an available number before class and they assign you to that number. For example, if you choose Rower 5, then you start at Rower 5, and when it’s time for you to go onto the treadmill, you go to Treadmill 5. If you choose Treadmill 5, you get assigned to that and start at Treadmill 5. When the switch happens (for you to do rowing or floor work), you’ll go to 5 from that station.
The Workout
Treadmill, rowing, floor/weights. 3 different stations. Start on either the rower or treadmill. Certain days, one of the 3 is a longer block. For example, sometimes treadmill is its own block for half the class and the other half is a combo of rowing and floor/strength. Other times, there is a tread/row combo during one half and all floor/strength for the other half. In the latter sample, if your first assignment was rowing, you’ll warm up on the rower and head to the floor while those that start on the tread will go back and forth between that and the rowers.

The 3/27/23 Workout
I started at the rowing so I did row and floor for the first half and finished with the treadmill second half. Below was the workout (thank you Reddit!) –
Floor Block 1
1 min of front loaded alt reverse lunge
1 min of bicep curl to upper cut
1 min of lateral bound to squat jump
Row Block 1 – 3 minutes
200m all-out row
20 x foot exchanges
Check distance at end of block
Floor Block 2
30 sec of front loaded alt reverse lunge
30 sec of bicep curl to upper cut
30 sec of lateral bound to squat jump
30 sec of front loaded alt reverse lunge
30 sec of bicep curl to upper cut
30 sec of lateral bound to squat jump
Row Block 2 – 3 minutes
200m AO row
20 x foot exchanges
Check distance at end of block, try to match or beat your distance from block 1
Floor Block 3
1 min of front loaded alt reverse lunge
1 min of bicep curl to upper cut
1 min of lateral bound to squat jump
Row Block 3 – 3 minutes
200m AO row
20 x foot exchanges
Repeat until finisher: 30 sec AO row
Check distance at end of block, try to match or beat your distance from previous blocks
Tread Block
3 min push
1 min walking recovery
3 min push
1 min WR
3 min push
1 min WR
3 min push
1 min WR
3 min push
1 min WR
2.5 min push
30 sec AO
How I Felt and Why My Heart Elevated
First of all, I walked to the studio. Got into the blue/green super fast after that since I was running late. There was some cardio between the rowing, so I got to the orange quickly as well and accumulated so many splat points during the tread block. They recommend aiming for 12 – 20 splat points during each class. Also, it could take 20 classes for the heart rate monitor to adjust to you so that you may be in the orange/red zone a lot in the beginning. Surprisingly, I felt alright for the most part.

3/30/23 Workout
Thanks, again Reddit. Below was the 3/30 workout.
Tread Block 1 * 90 sec push * 30 sec base * 75 sec push * 45 sec base * 1 min push * 1 min base * 45 sec push * 75 sec base * 30 sec push * 90 sec base * 30 sec AO * Check distance
Tread Block 2 * 10.5 min tread for distance * Try to match or beat distance from block 1
Floor Block 1 – 10.5 minutes * 3 rounds circuit: * 8 each x single arm neutral grip thruster with rotation * 10 / 8 / 6 total x alt tall kneeling to squat to jump * 8 x high pull * Repeat until time called: * 10 total x sprinter sit-up * 10 x back extension to lat pull down
Floor Block 2 – 10.5 minutes * 3 rounds circuit: * 8 x skier swing * 10 / 8 / 6 x power push up * 4 each x lateral lunge to balance bicep curl * Repeat until finisher: * 10 x straight leg raise to crunch * 10 total x low plank alt leg lift * Finisher: Member’s choice of 30 sec of sprinter sit-up or low plank alt leg lift
My Thoughts
No rowing other than the warm up that day! The treadmill portion seems exhausting so I opt to start on the rowers/floor and end the class with treadmill. It seems a lot of people prefer to start on treadmill though. The floor block was pretty nice as there was some weights and some core focus. My heart didn’t elevate too much during the floor block. The treadmill was intense though since it was distance/endurance focused. 10.5 minutes straight on the treadmill without a walking recovery?? I was in the orange and red that whole time and accumulated all my splat points during that tread half.

3/31/23 Workout – Wow, I went 2 Days in a Row!!
Floor Block 1 (4.5 Minutes)
30 Second Goblet Squat, 30 Second Squat Jacks, 45 Squat Hold, 30 Second Goblet Squat, 30 Second Squat Jacks, 45 Second Squat Hold, 30 Second Goblet Squat, 30 Second Squat Jacks
Floor Block 2 (4.5 Minutes)
30 Second Reverse Crunch, 15 Second Crunch Hold, 30 Second Reverse Crunch, 15 Second Crunch Hold, 30 Second Reverse Crunch
30 Second Rest
2 Minute Coach Call (Heisman, Quick Feet, Forward and Back Hops based on what the coach calls out)
Floor Block 3 (4.5 Minutes)
30 Second Bridge Hold with Pullover, 30 Second Double Crunch, 45 Second Bridge Hold
30 Second Bridge Hold with Pullover, 30 Second Double Crunch, 45 Second Bridge Hold, 30 Second Bridge Hold with Pullover, 30 Second Double Crunch
Floor Block 4 (5 Minutes)
2 Minute Coach Call (In-In-Out-Out, Foot Exchange, Run in Place based on what the coach calls out)
30 Second Rest
30 Second Low Plank Hip Rock, 30 Second Bird Dog, 30 Second Low Plank Hip Rock, 30 Second Bird Dog
Finisher: 30 Second Low Plank Hip Rock
Tread Block 1 (4.5 Minutes)
30 Second Push, 30 Second Push to AO, 45 Second Base, 30 Second Push, 30 Second Push to AO, 45 Second Base, 30 Second Push, 30 Second AO
Row Block 1 (4.5 Minutes)
30 Second AO, 15 Second Rest, 30 Second AO, 15 Second Rest, 30 Second AO, 30 Second Rest, 2 Minute Row for Distance (Match or beat distance from the first half of the block)
Tread Block 2 (4.5 Minutes)
30 Second Push, 30 Second Push to AO, 45 Second Base, 30 Second Push, 30 Second Push to AO, 45 Second Base, 30 Second Push, 30 Second AO
Row Block 2 (5 Minutes)
2 Minute Row for Distance, 30 Second Rest, 30 Second AO, 30 Second Rest, 30 Second AO, 30 Second Rest, 30 Second AO
Thoughts on the 3/31 Workout
Some more terminology and stuff I forgot to mention above –
- Base – your base pace on the treadmill
- Push – your push pace on the treadmill, more than base
- AO / All Out – more than your push pace
- If you’re a power walker, you will increase your incline for push and all out. If you’re a jogger/runner, increase speed.
The 3/31 workout seemed a LOT easier than the prior 2 workouts based on my stats. There was a LOT of resting times between the stuff as well. Not much time on the tread, probably half the time on the tread compared to the other 2 classes. Floor work was nice, some cardio built in there as well, but it took me longer to get splat points. I finally understood how rowing can be so intense during this class as well..
Cooldown and Following Moves?
There’s a brief cooldown / stretch period after the workouts. I am super uncoordinated, so thankfully there is a screen that shows how to do the floor exercises. I’d be looking at the screen so often though, so hopefully that improves as well.
Membership and Heart Rate Monitor/Orangetheory Band
After my first class, they gave us newbies some membership and class package options. There was a special going on in March (not available online) that was buy one month at either elite (8 classes/month) or premium (unlimited classes/month) and their heart rate monitor, get the second month free. Soooo I did it, and signed up for more classes that week!
Easy to Use App
Downloaded, created an account, linked my OrangeTheory Band, set my home studio, signed up for classes.
Data is Beautiful
Your stats from the heart rate monitor/band are emailed to you right after class and you can see them on the app, hence where I got the screenshots of my stats.
Worth it?
It depends… how often to go and how much is membership each month. It differs by location- for example, the location by my work in San Francisco is $70 more a month!!! No way was I going to sign up there, but they do have more class offerings and time of offerings.
We shall see how long I keep this up for and such. I’d love to gain some more muscle, get stronger, and be able to run back when I was forced to in high school (ugh, dreaded those weekly mile runs, but I did them at 7 mins and would love to get back to that point!).

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