I Tried Sprinkles’ Padma Lakshmi Lucious Mango Cupcake!
Late posting this, but Sprinkles Cupcake is having their Chef Series: Padma Lakshmi Lucious Mango Cupcake from 11/1 – 11/22/23 so there is still some time to potentially try this cupcake! I saw it on Padma’s Instagram the week prior and I got so excited because I love mango!
Cupcake Description (From Sprinkles)
Sprinkles is thrilled to partner with Padma Lakshmi, acclaimed author, activist, actress, model and philanthropist, to present the Luscious Mango, the next cupcake in our Chef Series. A mango cake filled with creamy, mango curd and topped with cinnamon and cardamom spiced yogurt frosting. Inspired by the joyful celebration of Diwali, our Luscious Mango cupcake joins in the tradition of sharing sweets with loved ones.
Happy Diwali
A couple weeks ago, I received an advertisement from Sprinkles re their Diwali cupcake box and there was a 20% discount. You know I love discounts, so I added that box (4 of these special sprinkles mango cupcakes, 4 cinnamon cupcakes, and 4 chocolate cupcakes) to cart, scheduled a pick up, and checked out.

Beautiful, Looks Like Photos
Gotta love it when the product looks like the photos! These looked great, along with the other cupcakes in the box. I brought these to a surprise birthday party so I forgot to take a photo of the whole box, but luckily I got a couple (including the one above) photos of this spotlight cupcake.
Did it Taste Good??
The cake portion has that flour-y Sprinkles cupcake texture and taste that is consistent with most of their other cupcakes. Unfortunately I didn’t get much mango from the cake portion itself, but the frosting and mango curd center is a must, so have it all at once. Definitely tastes better together than separate. The mango curd portion is as advertised as that part did taste like mangos and that added most of the flavor throughout the cupcake. Delicious!

Worth It?
It’s a bit pricey ($6 a cupcake or so), but I would get it again if they baked it more than just a few weeks for this month. Since this is a chefs series cupcake, I’m looking forward to see what other collage and flavors they’ll have. For that aspect and that it wasn’t horrible tasting, it was worth it to me!

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