Positive Energy Super Coffee Review / First Impressions
Coffee enhanced with optimism. Add something positive. That’s Super Coffee (here), and I just had to try it.. so here’s my Super Coffee review or overview.

How I Heard About Super Coffee
I fell for one of those Facebook ads! They (and almost everyone that knows me) know I absolutely love coffee. The advertisement noted how each super coffee had 10g protein and had some MCT oil that promotes brain function. I feel that I need some more protein (gotta get those gains and have muscle definition, but oh so hard because genetics and I’m not consistent enough) and I heard about MCT oil briefly. It was a new coffee product to try, so I went for it.
The Deal
Free shipping and 30% off for 2 cases. The flavors they had at the time were vanilla, mocha, caramel, and hazelnut. I wanted to try all of them except caramel, but ultimately went with vanilla and mocha. Each case contains 12 super coffee bottles. Too had a variety pack wasn’t a part of the deal, but ah well… I can order more later if I really enjoy it!

My 2 cases shipped rather quickly as I received the package during the same week as I ordered. It was rather heavy! The 2 boxes were inside a cardboard box. The above couple photos show the front and backs of each case. Each contains some of their nutritional highlights, such as 0g added sugar, 10g protein, and 200mg caffeine in each bottle.

The Nutrition
I guess this is what stands out in comparison to other bottled coffees. The mocha one contains 80 Calories per bottle, with 3g fat, 4g carbs, and 10g protein. Vanilla one contains 70 Calories, 2.5g fat, 3g carbs, and 10g protein. There are logos that says these are keto friendly, lactose free, and gluten free. They also contain some minerals, such as 230mg Calcium, 2mg iron, and 506mg potassium. Bone health!! Sweet!

Vanilla Super Coffee
Here’s the first taste test to this super coffee review. The bottle opens rather easily. Coffee color looks like coffee with some cream, not overly light or dark. The color is a bit lighter than how I enjoy my regular coffee with cream or milk, but that’s besides the point here. Consistency is rather thin, but as expected. First taste impression reminds me of those sweet vanilla coffees you can get from one of those machines from a gas station. Not the best, but not terrible either. The husband tried a sip and he mentioned it tasted just like something called a slim fast shake. I asked him what those were and he said that it was some drink on sale his dad brought home from home to time when he was growing up. Never had one, but perhaps a slim fast shake tastes like gas station sweet coffee?

Mocha Super Coffee
Bit darker than the vanilla, and it’s also thicker. This one reminds me a bit of concentrated chocolate milk. Sweet and creamy indeed, but sweetened with monk fruit sugar instead of regular Caloric sugars. The aftertaste to the mocha super coffee is a bit stronger than the vanilla one, but it wasn’t bad.
Did I Enjoy?
Let’s say I did not dislike them! I didn’t enjoy them enough to make me want to replace my coffee shop coffees with these, but these are rather handy to have. I prefer these to some bottled coffees from the grocery store because of the nutritional value alone as it’s not all just sugar. There’s protein, MCT oil, and a good amount of caffeine. Very handy if I’m on the go and there’s one in the fridge for me to take. I need to enjoy these cold though… might add some ice next time too because it needed to be more chilled for my personal preferences.
Worth It?
As a once a while to go thing and as a treat, sure, it’s worth it. A single bottle cost close to $2, so it’s not something I’d have everyday. I’d stick to my brewed coffee with creamer, but would grab one of these if I needed more or if I’m on the go.

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