Trader Joe’s Mini Hold the Cone! – Coffee Bean (So good!)
My latest ice cream obsession has been a Trader Joe’s hold the cone ice cream. I’ve seen various ones around, but coffee flavor caught my eye so I definitely bought a package and have zero regrets.
Trader Joe’s mini coffee bean hold the cone ice cream is not dairy free as their coffee boba ice cream. These are mini chocolate cones with coffee bean ice cream and a chocolate coating. They definitely are mini, and it takes some self control to just have 1 in a sitting!

TJ’s hold the cone ice cream has some cute packaging that falls into some of their “vintage” themes. There’s a design on one main side of the box and a similar one on the other side, and nutritional facts are on a narrow side. The inside contains 8 mini hold the cone ice creams, fit somewhat compact with spacing between each cone. I got too excited so I ate one before I thought about taking photos and writing my review.

The Cone!
These cones really are small, especially compared to a regular size cone ice cream such as Drumsticks – the original sundae cone. The size isn’t bad though since they are quicker to finish and there’s less guilt to these compared to a regular size ice cream cone. $3 for a box isn’t bad as they’re just around 40 cents per cone.
The Layers and Taste
I’m amazed by these mini hold the cone ice cream consistency. Each of them looked practically perfect. The cones were all intact – chocolate cone with coffee bean ice cream, and a not too thick chocolate shell over the ice cream. There is an amazing crunch to the chocolate layer and it goes so well with the coffee flavor. It’s coffee bean, so there are tiny specs in the ice cream. I really enjoy that! The cone has a crunch too which was impressive because the ice cream did not soak through the cone. Coffee bean ice cream was throughout most of the cone, and there’s a bit more of chocolate on the very bottom. Below images will show various parts as I consume one of these mini hold the cone ice creams.

Isn’t that Amazing?
These mini hold the cone ice creams are so cute and delicious. I’m really happy with this coffee bean one and now I’m interested in trying TJ’s other hold the cone ice cream flavors. I’d even get it if it’s a pint size and all the components of these cones are crushed inside the pint ice cream. Could use some more coffee flavor, but that’s just my love of coffee talking.

The Nutrition
Above the is nutritional label to these coffee bean mini hold the cone ice creams. 3 cones will put you at 250 Calories, 14g fat, 33g carbs, and 4g proteins. The entire container (8 cones!) is 660 Calories with 37g fat, 87g carbs, and 10g protein. That doesn’t sound bad at all! Let’s do some basic math… one serving is 3 cones, but if you just have 1 cone, then each cone contains 83.33 Calories with 4.67g fat, 11g carbs, and 1.33g protein. Totally worth it! I’ve mentioned that these are not dairy free. These contain milk, egg, soy, wheat, and coconut. The cone contains wheat flour so I don’t think these are gluten free either. Yumness!
Worth It?
For me, it’s a yes. I’d definitely get these again, along with Trader Joe’s other hold the cone ice cream flavors. These sold me… so good. I might just have another after this post.

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