Fitness Journal – Day 72 of 90 (Chips Galore!)
It’s day 72 of 90 of this 90 day journal journey, and today’s workouts focused on the booty! Booty Tuesday? I had tacos for dinner, so it’s Taco Tuesday and Booty Tuesday today.
I found an older pack of TJ’s chicken dumplings in the freezer and had those for breakfast, along with some coffee and oat milk. Work wasn’t too crazy in the morning today, so I had a chance to get all of today’s videos in before lunch.
Today’s Workouts
Tuesday = butt day. The workouts were –
- Fat Destroyer – a HIIT/Cardio workout. It was around 6 mins, not bad.
- 10 Minute Beautiful Butt Plump Workout – 5 moves on the right and 5 moves on the left. My butt cheeks and legs were feeling it during the workout!
- 30 Minute Extreme Butt Shaping Workout – Moves on the right, then the left, and then bridging. I remember this one because of Cassey’s talk about princesses and royalty. The workout itself wasn’t bad, though I don’t quite enjoy the bridging parts.

Lunch and Afternoon
Hot dogs, chili, cheese, and corn was today’s lunch (as well as yesterday’s). I had a Zoom scheduled for 2PM today, and the folks living here should have known as I mentioned it a couple times and about 10 minutes before it started. Either someone didn’t get the message or just didn’t give a F, and I ended up doing my Zoom outside since there was no time to get my background cleared. The 30 min Zoom turned into a well hour+ Zoom. Someone mentioned I was sitting outside in the cold, but it wasn’t cold for me, LOL.
After Work and Evening
Showered, and did some more work. Dinner was tacos again. The kids and I started watching some Girl Scouts Cookies competition, and that was rather interesting. Alyson Hannigan was the host, and we see some familiar faces as the judges, including Top Chef Season 1 host, Katie Lee. Top Chef awesomeness Carla Hall may make an appearance on a later ep since we saw her in the previews/intro of the eps.

Today’s Overview
Chips were definitely my weakness today. I finished that bag of Cheddar Cheese Sour Cream chips today. That bag barely lasted for 3 days, haha. My lips are a bit cracked again, but it could be worse. We’re picking up Oren’s Hummus tomorrow for dinner and I’m looking forward to that. A bit of each order goes to the schools, so we figured why not.

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