Tory Burch Woven Friendship Bracelet Review
I bought the Tory Burch miller stud necklace a while ago, and I mentioned that I wanted the Tory burch woven friendship bracelet, but it was too expensive full price for what it is. ANYWAYS, I ordered it because it was on sale!!
Original Price
The Tory Burch friendship bracelet original price is $158, and then it went for sale, and then sale again for $78. Then there was an extra 30% or so off Thanksgiving week. I gave in and ordered it!

When I Wanted the Woven Friendship Bracelet
I saw it at one of the Vegas shops. They had 3 different colors – black, green, and white. The green one stood out and I tried it on and fell in love. The stitching was perfect and it felt amazing. It wasn’t $158 amazing through, so I put it back. I thought that this would not sell out at full price, and luckily I was correct. If it went on sale for over half price off, I’d get it, and that was exactly what I did.
Not So Great Quality Elsewhere
There is a Tory Burch store somewhat by my work in SF, so I went there during lunch time. They had the bracelet there, but it felt very different. The quality wasn’t nearly as great as the Vegas one. Weird, huh?

Took a Gamble and Ordered Online
The woven friendship bracelet was $79 + an additional discount on top of that, and I ordered it online! It was actually a part of the same order as my Tory Burch Minnie travel ballet flats, but this bracelet arrived later. No gift box, but the bracelet itself was good. I was worried it might be like the one I saw in SF, but luckily it wasn’t bad!

Adjustable FTW!
I love how this Tory Burch friendship bracelet is adjustable. The logo is so cute. Standard bracelets don’t fit me well at all, so this is great. Comfy too.
Will it Get Dirty?
Perhaps I should check if there are any care instructions… Since it’s woven and such, I think this can stain rather easily, especially if food gets on it or something splatters on it while eating or making food. Bummer.

Other Thoughts / Worth It?
I’ve always loved the looks of various friendship bracelets, but I never had the patience to create one beyond the basics when I was little. Some designer brands have these types of bracelets, so I’m wondering if these are in or more of a collectible item. If next year’s design is just as great or better, I might be starting a collection of woven or embroidered bracelets. Worth it for now, but I gotta be careful and not get it dirty!

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