Fitness Journal 90 Day Journey – Day 1 of 90
Day 1 of 90 of this fitness journal / 90 day journey! Check out my intro to this journal here.
Day Overview
Happy Monday! Today was a rather stressful day. I was having a fairly busy day with work (working from home), and the power went off shortly after lunch when I was in the middle of something. The power outage started a bit before 1PM, and the estimated restore time is 9PM. Ugh!! Hotspot was very spotty, but it’s working as I’m writing this post.

I started the day with a cup of coffee with some sweet cream flavored creamer. Then I steamed some Trader Joe’s chicken soup dumplings, and looked at the nutrition label for the first time. Holy moly, a box of those (6 soup dumplings, 250 Calories) contained 25% of the recommended sodium for the day! Dang!! What an eye opener, as I had no idea those little things that don’t seem salty contained so much sodium.
Work started out busy, and I was plugging away until around a bit after 11AM. I decided to start my Blogilates workout when I had some breathing room. The first workout was a 10 minute quiet cardio workout, and that was pretty good. My pups love getting in the way when I’m on my yoga mat exercising, so there were a few pause points.
The husband prepared lunch and it was ready at Noon, the same time my kids start their lunch break. Lunch today were hotdogs, chili, and corn. Chili and hotdogs? Yum, such a great combo. It definitely didn’t feel healthy, but it was convenient as I was eating bite between working.
The power went out all of a sudden, and I was so pissed. We bought a bunch of groceries yesterday, and we really didn’t want any of it to go bad. Safeway had some boba popsicles, so we decided to eat those. We all tried an oolong tea boba popsicle and a matcha green tea brown sugar popsicle. So good, and minimal sodium!
I completed the rest of the Feb 1 Blogilates videos in the afternoon via spotty hotspot.

I tried to do as much work as I can, but hotspot wasn’t being cooperative and my work laptop battery was dying. It was getting dark, so we decided to go to Target to pick up a couple lanterns because our candles weren’t doing much and some ice. Since we weren’t able to cook or heat up food due to the power outage, we ordered some takeout. We got a good mix of items – tomato beef chow mein, string bean chicken, lemon chicken, and kung pao tofu extra spicy.

It felt great completing Day 1’s workouts. I wished power was back though, now estimated 11:30PM. Hopefully it’ll be back up before we all wake up since the kids shouldn’t miss more school and I have work to catch up on. My food for the day could have been better (page image below), but hey, no chips! I’m actually drinking some more water now, so the 4 waters on the page isn’t accurate. 🙂
Day 1 Completed! YESSSS!

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