Fitness Journal

Fitness Journal – Day 37 of 90 (Rainy Day & Work)

It’s day 37 of 90 of this 90 day journey! Not much happened today, but that’s rather typical on work days. It rained today, and I haven’t stepped outside all day today. The husband did all the dog walking, and the pups came back wet.


I got a decent amount of sleep (~7 hours) according to my Apple watch, and my eyes were not as dry as they were last night. Breakfast consisted of the same thing as yesterday, but with some gummy candies. I watched the 3rd episode of Top Chef Season 17 before starting work.

Today’s Workout

The only workout on today’s Blogilates calendar was 1000 ab challenge day 9. We add on side plank dippers to today’s challenge, and I might have half-assed most of those. Tomorrow is the last day of the ab challenge, and then back to regular Blogilates videos and designated target days. 

Lunch Time

We’re finally finishing up that full pan of lasagna today! That lasagna gave us 12 amazing servings. So good. We also had some pot stickers/pan fried dumplings, pasta and corn. 

Trying to get in More TV Time

I tried to take a break in the afternoon to squeeze in another episode of Top Chef, but work was nonstop as I tried to start an episode. Ah well, I was productive on that front. 


I guess I wasn’t busy enough that I snacked on a few things today throughout the day – chips, candies, ice cream, etc. Chips are my ultimate weakness when it comes to snacking. I love trying new flavors of chips and the saltiness and crunchiness to chips are just so satisfying. My journal stated the facts for 1 serving of chips, but I might have had more than 1 serving since I eat it directly from the bag as opposed to measuring out a serving. 


Dinner today was, as the daughter calls it, “Tuna Surprise.” It’s a healthy mix of canned tuna and other stuff with zucchini, topped with extra cheddar cheese. The kids wouldn’t eat that so they had some make-your-own tacos instead with tortillas, chicken nuggets, and guacamole. I had some guac and pita chips after my “tuna surprise.” 

Today’s Overview

It’s been more or less of a typical day. I must be boring all of you if you’ve read more than a couple of these from me with my uneventfulness. Granted it’s still the pandemic and we don’t feel safe partaking in the indoor and outdoor dining that’s partially open, I still feel I need to pick up on some hobbies or something. Where does all the time go?? Time does get filled up quickly with kids and pups and such though, so I shouldn’t be feeling too bad about myself.