Fitness Journal – Day 14 of 90 (And Week 2 Recap!)
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m super full from Thai food as I’m writing this post. It’s day 14 of 90 of this 90 day fitness journey, which means week 2 is complete! Now, just 10 more weeks to go to complete my 90 day fitness journey.
Morning and Pups
I actually slept in a little bit this morning, and it was really nice. The pups wanted to walk right away, so I took them out for a 20 minute outdoor walk before coming back to make my coffee. I made a batch of pancakes for breakfast, and was eating some cheese and pretzel crackers. My mom gave me a box of Chinese Eggroll Cookies, and I had one of those too.

Chinese Eggroll Cookies and Baking
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve had these cookies. These weren’t as flavorful as I remembered them to be and they were very crumbly. Still good, and they went so well with my coffee. I prepared some items to make another Matcha Japanese Cheesecake, and before I knew it, the plate of pancakes were gone. No pancakes for me.
Workouts (Part 1 of 2)
It was going to be lunch time soon, so I wanted to get in half of today’s workouts. The first 2 videos today were –
- Flat Stomach Fat Melter – sounds pretty cool, right? This was a shorter video, one of Cassey’s older ones. The moves were good, and would prefer these in her newer format.
- 25 Min Extreme Abs Workout – I was dreading that this was one of the longer videos, but this one turned out to be my favorite abs video. There are no repeat in moves in any of the 5 rounds, which was great! I need to remember to go back to this video from time to time in hopes to strengthen my core.

We usually get takeout on Sundays for lunch, but it was raining and we didn’t feel like going out. The husband picked up a pack of brioche hot dog buns from Trader Joe’s on Friday, and wow, I actually like these hot dog buns more than the regular ones we’d get from Target or Safeway. My hotdog had chili and cheese, and it was good as usual.
A Long Walk
It stopped raining, and we (husband, kids, pup, and me) went for a long walk. We walked for around an hour, and it felt nice in the cold. I appreciate these family walk moments to enjoy a bit of fresh air (a bit limited from the mask, but still nice), and to be out of the house. It would be amazing if I felt comfortable going for these long walks during work hours during work, but I’m not there just yet.
Workouts (Part 2 of 2)
I completed the other 2 workout videos before dinner –
- 10 Minute Waist Whittler – this was very obliques focused. There were a lot of candlestick dippers in this video, and my arms/shoulders have limited mobility so I may have half-assed these moves (or you can say I modified).
- ABS FOCUS – a quick, older Cassey video. Pretty good re the moves plus some plank jacks, but would prefer it in a different format. I did really like her beach hair in this video though!

I was in a mood for some very spicy noodles, so we ordered some Thai food. In addition to the above photo of the takeout we got, we also got some Pad Thai. I had some of that, but the husband set that dish aside. It has shrimp in there (he’s allergic), and it’s the MIL’s dish. So many noodles, and they were sooooo delicious. 90 Day Fitness Journey, Thai food might just be my ultimate weakness alongside with various ice creams and cakes.

Today’s Overview
My goodness, I may have overdid it on the carbs again, but my tastebuds were extremely happy. I love Thai spicy noodles! Those Trader Joe’s dried mangos are so addictive. They have rather good flavor and I absolutely adore the texture.

Weekly Recap
I feel no changes to my weight and measurements, but I hope I am getting stronger! All the days so far on the February 2021 Blogilates workout calendar are filled, so I’m so glad I accomplished that. The daily texts with my bestie have been great, encouraging each other to complete the workouts and to limit on milk tea drinks to once a week. I had my milk tea Friday and had an opportunity to get more today, but I refused and ended up having more Thai noodles. Writing down stuff really does help and it boosts self awareness in many ways. 10 more weeks to go, and I think we got this! Some say the beginning is the most difficult, so we’ve overcome that portion. Others say it takes 21 days to make a habit, and we’ll be there after next week! Week 3, here we go.

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