Daith Piercing (and other Cartilage Piercing) Healing – Week 3 & Start of Week 4
The faux rook / flat piercing has been doing pretty well. Slight tenderness and some itchiness around the area, but I’d say it’s doing rather well. I have my follow-up/downsizing appointment this Friday, so fingers crossed it all goes well! Below are the prior posts the leads to this daith piercing healing journey post –
Recap from Prior Week
Week 2 was rougher than week 1. My ear got swollen and such, and there was a little blood. It didn’t hurt or anything, just a bit annoying. Shower water and the spray really helped though!

Bad to Good to Not so Great
The start to week 3 has been really good. Not many issues at all other than some more itching around the areas; however, toward the end of week 3 (AKA now), the itchiness has gotten a bit worse and there’s been some more gunk and possibly an irritation bump or more swollenness. I’m unsure which it is, but it sure itches a lot around that area (upper daith piercing portion).
The faux rook/flat piercing has been doing pretty well, though sometimes I think the bar is a bit too long for a while. Perhaps this is a good sign that I am ready for my downsize at week 4 as opposed to later. I heard they recommend a downsizing between week 4 and 6, so we’ll see if the piercer will do so at my follow up appointment. Yep, after the initial piercing, a follow up is booked for 4 weeks after.

Daith Piercing Recap for Week 3
Started great, but ended not so great. I did remember I slept on that side for a little bit, which was mostly the culprit AGAIN. It’s so difficult since I want to lie on that side so badly. Today is a shower day, so perhaps the water will wash off all that bit of gunk coming out and that my hair dryer is good at drying everything. Hopefully it isn’t infected or anything. I am looking forward to my follow up to hear what my piercer has to say about these and also to when I can add some more to this ear!

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