Fitness Journal – Day 26 of 90 (Hot Sauce FTW!!)
Day 26 of 90 of this 90 day fitness journey! Happy Friday, or literally FRYday. Let me tell you, I already know I blew my salt intake for the day early on today. So much deliciousness.

Not an eventful morning, as it was a rather usual morning. I had my single serve coffee and had another one afterwards because one coffee is never enough. Breakfast consisted of crackers, rest of second pack of smoked salmon of the week, and some honey goat cheese.
Work and Car Stuff
Did some work throughout the morning, and our car was overdue for an oil change. We ran out of coffee creamer and some other things so the husband went to Target after getting the oil change. He picked up some new hot sauce and McDonald’s on the way back.

El Yucateco Hot Sauce – Chile Habanero & XXXTRA Hot
A friend/co-worker recommended El Yucateco hot sauce. It has burn AND flavor. Soooo good. I really like the XXXTRA hot one over the regular chile habanero hot sauce. It’s a spiciness that I can really taste, so you know it’s hot!
Lunch – McD Nuggets and Fries
The kids got their happy meals and several extra nuggets, and they were happy since they actually got some pokemon cards in their happy meal. I had an order of chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce and split part of a large fries. The BBQ sauce mixed with the xxxtra hot sauce was really good!

Today’s Workouts – Legs & Thighs!
Today’s was supposed to be stretch & recovery, but I’ll do that one tomorrow. There were 5 videos for legs & thighs for today –
- Fat Burning Cardio – a quick 6 or 7 minute video doing various cardio moves that requires some jumping. Not bad, really brought my heart rate up.
- 20 Minute Inner Thigh Isolate Workout – the longest workout video of the day. This one wasn’t bad, just a lot of repeated stuff from prior week thigh videos.
- Toned Thighs Workout – a short one, similar moves to the above thigh workout.
- Plie Squat Challenge – yup, a video doing various plie squats for around 7 mins or so. Not bad!
- 5 Minute Long Lean Legs – another short video with lunges and plies.
Quite a few work requests came through before close of business, so I worked a bit late to get things done. Dinner was practically the same as yesterday – “tuna surprise,” chips, guacamole, etc. Good stuff. I really need to drink a lot more water tonight to help with all that salt I’ve consumed today! Fast food and chips… SIGH!

Today’s Overview
I was too excited over the hot sauce because the hot sauce had both spiciness and flavor. It was so delicious! The husband also picked up some peach ring gummies and watermelon gummies from Target, which some of that did not get recorded today. Whoops. I guess anything I consume doesn’t get recorded after I take the photo of the page for the day’s post. As tomorrow is Saturday, it’ll most likely be a great food day too, along with some fruits.

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