Fitness Journal – Day 28 of 90 (One Month Down!!)
Day 28 of 90! End of Week 4! One month down! Wow, so many milestones happening today. The downside is that it’s Sunday and I’m not mentally feeling prepared for the work ahead of me tomorrow right now.
I got up a bit later today since I went to sleep late last night. There was a point in the evening where I was going to bed at a reasonable hour, but then I saw a huge spider and that kept me up a bit longer. I got up, and had a couple coffees and some leftovers from my parents’ place for breakfast.
Today’s Workouts
I did today’s workouts in parts – some before lunch and some after lunch. They consisted of the following –
- Quick Cardio Warm Up – nice 5 minutes of cardio work to get that heart rate up!
- 10 Minute Ab & Oblique Sculpter – ok, I must have been wearing the wrong top because it hurt when I was laying on the sides of my back trying to do some of these exercises. Other than that, it was alright. My lower abs are weak AF and I can’t do flutters without taking breaks.
- 10 Minute Lower Ab Flattener – really targets my weak spots. I did sight modifications on these, such as legs higher up or not as low during the double leg lifts and flutters.
- 12 Minutes to Toned Abs – similar to the above abs workouts. Not bad!
- Muffintop Shredder Workout – this workout was practically doing 4 minutes of candlestick dippers. That’s it. I did these not so well since it hurts (knees, hips, etc).

Lunch – Chinese Takeout
Don’t tell my parents we ordered Chinese food for takeout… it feels such a disgraceful thing to do! We got 5 different lunch specials and an order of crispy noodles with beef. Leftovers from lunch along with last night’s leftovers from my parents are dinner. The food was alright, but I was disappointed that my “extra hot” was not spicy at all! Ugh!
Walking the Pups
We walked the pups a bit after lunch. The weather was rather nice except for the wind. I started to get a headache sometime after lunch. Unsure whether the headache is from excess salt from the Chinese takeout or something else.

Pre-Dinner and Dinner
I took a shower and listened to more of History of The Office podcast and did my nails after the shower. My nails have been bare most of the time since shelter-in-place, so it was nice to put on some color tonight. Dinner consisted of the rest of the Chinese takeout and some of last night’s leftovers. Good stuff. Of course, I had a glass of wine. Oh, yes!
Dessert and Snacks
I went on a Trader Joe’s trip today, and they still didn’t have the coffee boba ice cream and chocolate crispy peanuts thingy, but I did see spicy mochi rice nuggets and a chantilly vanilla bean mini sheet cake. I had both of those for snacks today, and they were pretty good! The vanilla cake will have a post on my blog this Wednesday 3/3/2021.

Today’s Overview
The husband asked if I wanted a boba when he was picking up the Chinese food, and it was rather hard to resist. I’m awfully glad I said no because it doesn’t add any significant protein to what I’ve consumed today. I had a good amount of fats and carbs, but my protein today was lower. The boba craving has been rather interesting today. It would have put me at 3 bobas this week if we got boba today, and I was craving it more than the weeks I just had 1 boba. Interesting stuff.

Week 4 Recap
I don’t think I could do this 90 day journey alone honestly, so I was super excited that I have a buddy during this whole journey, and perhaps we’ll continue to do this afterwards without logging it down in one of these journals. Nothing big happened this week and it felt more or less of a normal week. Motivation / slacking off has been an issue if mine, so I’d like to do more productive stuff during week 5. It’ll be beginning of March, so I’ll be busy with work, but if I’m able to get some reading in or organize some stuff (curses!!), then it’ll be productive. One month down, and 2 more to go! The next 2 months will be longer months though.

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