My Experience with Lululemon Power Stride Tab Socks
It’s been a few years since I bought myself socks, and one of my biggest issues with socks is that they would slide down. So annoying! The prior socks I bought were bar method socks that were on super sale, with those grips on the bottoms. I’ve been wearing those since, but they’ve all started forming holes so I needed some new socks.
Colorful Socks
I was browsing through Lululemon’s sale one day (well, one of many days) and saw they had some power stride tab socks on sale. They were still pricey per sock, considering they look rather thin and such, but reviews were mostly good so I decided to buy some on sale.

Lululemon Sock Sizing
My shoe size is a 6.5, and that puts me in the Medium category with Lululemon.

Colors / Styles
Not all their socks were on sale that day, but if they were, I would have bought several others – some more neutral black/white/gray socks and some more very colorful socks. I got the white and colored ones as those were the ones on sale.

How do They Really Feel?
These socks are quite thin!! So much thinner than the barre socks I’ve been wearing, and it felt a bit strange walking in them at first because of the no grippy stuff. Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve worn normal socks! Other than the thinness of the socks, they actually feel pretty good. I’m on the lower end of the medium sizing, and they hug my feet rather well. There were some complaints that these aren’t great for larger feet, and I can see why… bummer.
Sweat in Shoes?
Thinner material means shoes aren’t too tight / a tad bit of room when I wear these with shoes. I do recommend taking these off shortly after a workout since the sweat does tend to stick within, stinking up the socks and shoes.

Long Lasting?
I’ve worn and washed these several times and they’ve held up quite well so far… hopefully these socks will last a long time. Various pet hair and such do stick to these socks quite easily, especially after they’ve been washed and dried unfortunately.

Worth It?
I’d definitely buy them again (on sale) if these last quite a while! I like the tab (not no show) and they do not slide down (at least, not yet), so that’s great. Each sock is labeled left or right, and that’s such a new concept to me.

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