Piercings Updates – Daith & Faux Rook (5+ Months), Helix (3 Months), Conch & Flat (2 Months)
It’s been a lil while since my prior piercing update. My most recent post about it was right after I got my conch and flat pierced (right ear) along with my BVLA jewelry collection on my ears. Find my daith piercing healing and other initial piercing experiences within my piercings posts here.
Slow Healer
My piercings were healing really well within the first month during all my piercings, but then it turns out I’m a really slow healer! I didn’t feel the swelling until after a while (weeks) as opposed to a few days, so I get delayed reactions. What wasn’t expected to get irritated got irritated (the conch) and what was healing great got messed up after a nearby piercing swelled (faux rook from helix swell). Anyways, let’s visit my left ear now.

Left Ear Piercings
- Lobes – I switched these to good jewelry, and no issues here. These aren’t butterfly backs, so I need to learn how to take these out and put them in again, which I learned with one because it twisted off, and it took forever to get back on. Will definitely need to build a collection of these!
- Daith – Still not healed after 5 months, but it’s getting there. The piercer told me it’s really starting to solidify, though it may have migrated just a little bit. I can get it further looked at and get it adjusted. Bumps appeared right after a month, and that was getting worse for a couple months straight. The top bump mostly went away, and the bottom one is a bit tough. It does look much better now than it did mid-summer. Daith typically take over 9 months to fully heal, some a bit over a year, so I’m in that category.
- Faux Rook – It’s feeling so much better now compared to September. It was healing really well, but after downsizing this and then getting my helix pierced, the swelling from the helix affected the faux rook. The earring was pushing against the area so bad that I had to get a longer bar and it had a very hard time recovering since the swelling left some raw spots from the jewelry digging into the ear. It formed a bump underneath and led to very sticky crusties. Bleeding happened for a while, and it’s finally healing again!
- Helix – This was such a bitch to heal. I had to tie my hair in some way nearly everyday to prevent pieces from getting caught and pulling on this piercing. It swelled up so bad and a lot of blood was involved. Bumps/blisters formed and popped, leading to interesting fluids and smells. It finally started to get a lot better in the beginning of October and it feels great now, minus the hairs getting caught every now and then.
Other Plans for Left Ear?
First, I need to let all of these heal and possibly repair my daith. I’d love to switch the daith for a smaller ring and put in something new for the faux rook and possibly get a conch and tragus. The downside is that I’ve been getting bumps and extremely slow healing on my newer piercings (prob got too many too soon) so I’m more terrified on getting a tragus since a bump would be very noticeable. Let’s move onto the right ear.

Right Ear Piercings
- Lobes – Got the jewelry upgraded and they look amazing. These small pieces are so adorable, but I also need to learn how these work so I can take them off and on when I’d like. These don’t seem to be the twist kind so they may be the push-pin style? The first lobe was stretched a little, which felt a bit sore for a couple days, but otherwise no issues.
- Conch – This was supposed to be the easiest to heal because it’s practically left alone. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with my conch. It was doing really well, but then swelled up a lot after 1 month. It was still healing, but it was also spinning around, which left a bump and a lot of rawness. It was so bad that a piercing disc was put in, and it’s still in because the bump and such still didn’t heal. Really hoping it’ll heal soon so that the disc can be taken out and I can be properly downsized. I’m worried that the disc is trapping unwanted moisture, but I trust my piercer.
- Flat – This one has been downsized and was healing well, but a nasty bump on the back (also from the jewelry spinning around) formed that a disc was put there as well. It’s been bleeding a bit as crusties/dry blood is picked off (yeah, I really need to leave it alone). Hopefully some good news during my next follow-up soon.
Plans for the Right Ear?
Just as the left, I need to fully or close to fully heal these. I’d love a helix on this ear. The Athena jewelry on the flat is big, and if I want to switch it out for something smaller, then I might want a triple flat.
Time to Focus on Healing
Piercings can be addictive, but healing is no joke. I really need to think more about getting these healed and not touch them. Sometimes I can’t help it, such as when I’m stressed re work or just something else.

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