Sundays Food for Dogs – The Follow-up
Please check out my initial Sundays Food for Dogs post for my initial review and first impressions. This post answers the question I had last time – the packaging!

Did I Keep My Subscription?
Mochi really enjoyed her Sundays Food for Dogs, so I kept the subscription and this is the third batch of Sundays. We have another dog now, so both pups get to enjoy Sundays Food for Dogs. The second batch we received wasn’t packaged so nicely, but there was a note that said they were going back to their original velcro seal packaging as the second batch was in a clear bag with a generic seal/zip packaging.

Lucky Dog / Unlucky Me
It seems the amazing packaging with a newsletter newspaper thingy, stickers, etc was only in the first/initial package. That really suckered me in because I thought I’d be getting different newsletters in each package along with some stickers or something cute to go along the dog food. Second package didn’t include any of that, but they made it seem they ran out of certain packaging stuff, hence the different container bag type. This third one also did not include anything special other than the food. Boo, very disappointing especially a bag of this dog food (40 oz) cost $59. The dogs will be happy though, but I am not.

It’s Just the Food that Matters, Right?
Nice shipping box, but just the food. I expected something more, more in line with the first package. The dogs do enjoy the food, and there’s the ingredients label and such on the package as expected.
Still Worth It?
It’s very pricey, and if your dog is not really picky then Sundays Food for Dogs might not be worth it given its price. It is worth it if it does provide your dog with better health and nutrition though. 40oz sets you back $59, and that doesn’t go very far if this is the only thing your dog eats, especially if they’re larger dogs. We use Sundays Food for Dogs to top off our dogs’ food, and the bag doesn’t last that long.

Will I Keep the Subscription?
I think this will be our last Sundays Food for Dogs bag. Our second dog isn’t as picky, and Mochi seems to pick up from that. We already home cook their food, so Sundays is more of a treat than actual meals for them. I was really hoping for more newsletters/newspapers filled with pics of dogs and dog stories as the first package contained, so if I’m not getting that, I’ll go ahead and cancel. The dogs went without Sundays for a couple months and didn’t seem to miss it. Yup, I’m a packaging junkie.

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