Zwilling Kettle Review – Rose Cool Touch Kettle Pro
My first electric kettle, and it’s a damn good one too. It works well and it’s super stylish with the color options. My parents use their kettle to heat water for tea everyday, and they’ve gone through so many kettles within a year. They tried one from Zwilling, and it seems to be lasting much longer than their other kettles, so I decided to go for the same brand. Here’s my Zwilling kettle review!
Ordering Process
I bought directly from Zwilling’s website. The order was placed a bit after Christmas, and it took about a month to arrive. I did receive a notification that items were taking a bit longer because they were getting some more stock. Surprisingly, I didn’t receive shipment notification one day, the kettle arrived.

Packaging and De-Boxing
Pretty simple! All items were taken out easily, and the box was pretty good quality. It isn’t “keepable” quality, but it was sturdy.
There’s quite a bit in the Zwilling instruction manual. It explains what each content is and cleaning instructions. It doesn’t really say how you know when the water is at the chosen temperature, but we found out that it’ll BEEP once it’s ready. It doesn’t take too long, so when you hear it beep, the water is hot. If you’re not there for the beep, then well… could be ready anyways after several minutes.

Main Contents
The box contained the kettle, the base, advertisements of other products (thanks for reminding me that I still do not own a toaster), and instructions.
Zwilling’s regular kettle has just 1 option – boil, and their pro kettle gives the option of many temperatures – 140, 160, 175, pour over coffee water (195?), and boil (212), all in Fahrenheit. It also gives a baby bottle warmer option and an option to keep the water warm for 30 minutes.
The main plus of my Zwilling kettle review is that I’m giving a lot of points toward how easy this is to use! Plug in, pour filtered water inside (there are markings for how many cups inside), place on the base, turn on if not on, press which temperature you want, wait for several minutes, and water is heated!

Cleaning seems to be a pain because the kettle is not clear. It’s hard to see with just washing the inside. They recommend you putting vinegar and water, heat to boil, to get rid of any sediments or whatever (calcification?) every once a while. The kettle seems so delicate, and it wasn’t the cheapest even on sale and a coupon code.
Worth It?
It’s been working really well for me! I can make tea easily, without heating water on the stovetop. I love how easy it is to use. Honestly, I also bought this water kettle out of spite too. The family was given one of these (different brand off Amazon), but one person in the household took it and kept it for herself. Sure, we could have asked if we can use it too, but it was just so awkward that it was kept in her room. Very odd, so I ended up buying one for the rest of us to use. There is some room in the kitchen to store it, so that obviously wasn’t an issue. Yep, overall, pretty pretty happy with this kettle.

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