The Lace Project – Beautiful, Stackable Bracelets!
Get ready for a semi-lengthy post of my first The Lace Project bracelet review, or simply scroll down and just look at the images! Backstory / Slight Intro I’ve probably complained multiple times…
Trader Joe’s Southern Peach Crisp Ice Cream – Good & Buttery, but Not Enough Peach
Don’t Ignore the Crisp and Description Confession – I completely had tunnel vision when I heard about this ice cream, meaning that my mind focused on the “peach” and ignored the “crisp.” Peaches…
Trader Joe’s Crispy Jalapeno Pieces – Small, but Addictive!
Another Trader Joe’s related post from me… this time it’s about their Crispy Jalapeno Pieces! A friend found them at her local TJ’s, and it took about a week for my local TJ’s…
Sundays Food for Dogs – The Follow-up
Please check out my initial Sundays Food for Dogs post for my initial review and first impressions. This post answers the question I had last time – the packaging! Did I Keep My…
Trader Joe’s Mini Hold the Cone! – Coffee Bean (So good!)
My latest ice cream obsession has been a Trader Joe’s hold the cone ice cream. I’ve seen various ones around, but coffee flavor caught my eye so I definitely bought a package and…
Fitness Journal – Day 90 of 90 (YEAHHHH, We Did It!)
OMG, it’s day 90 of 90 of this 90 day journal journey! We actually did all 90 days of working out, check marking each video that appears on the Blogilates monthly calendars! What…