Fitness Journal – Day 43 of 90 (Another Monday)
Happy Monday! It’s day 43 of 90 of this fitness journey, or just a 90 day journey. It was difficult to get up in the morning since it was so dark. Darn daylight savings time!
Work was so busy early on this morning so I logged on and worked non-stop on the requests that came in. I had my usual coffee and had some cheese and crackers and some TJ’s crusted tuna. It was alright, but I think I prefer the smoked salmon more.

The husband made some sausage, peppers, and onions with some penne pasta and cheese for lunch today. He also made some pesto for the kids. They all were watching part of the Sonic movie during lunch while I worked.
Today’s Workouts
Today’s workout videos consisted of the following –
- Fat Burn Total Body Focus – a short video of light mixed-cardio. Kicks, etc.
- At Home Total Body Slimming Workout – close to a 15 minute video, working out with the couch. I didn’t have a suitable sub in terms of equipment for this one, so I did part of ab abs workout of the same duration in lieu of this video.
- 12 Minutes to Toned Total Body – similar to the first one, but a bit longer. Squats and such. Not bad.
Afternoon Break
Things slowed down a bit after lunch so I watched some Wanda Vision. It’s such an interesting show, and it goes by pretty quickly. The 7 minutes of credits and such seemed a bit excessive in comparison to the length of the episodes, but I always feel a bit awkward skipping it. Like… what if I’m missing something??

Dinner – First HelloFresh Meal
We tried Hello Fresh for the first time tonight. The husband got a mailer with a code for 12 free meals, but you don’t get the free meals all at once. It’s selected on a weekly basis and it applies a 50% discount toward those weeks equaling to 12 free meals. We paid slightly over $20 for 3 meals. Tonight’s dinner was a cheesy mushroom chicken with mashed potatoes & roasted carrots. It tasted alright, but we found the serving size to be tiny! I wasn’t full after this, so I had some of the daughter’s leftover chow mein and some apple pie afterwards.

Today’s Overview
Another day without stepping outside… maybe that’s why my mood today was blargh… no, it’s probably the hormones. It’s one of those days where food and handbags take up most of my mind when I’m not doing anything. Ugh, no away bad thoughts.. no need to spend!

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