Fitness Journal – Day 21 of 90
Day 21 of 90 of this 90 day fitness journey, which puts us to the end of week 3! Somehow I thought there were 12 weeks of this, but then I just realized there are 13 weeks of filling out the 90 day fitness journal. Another week down, and 10 more to go!
This morning was a usual one with some sort of coffee and breakfast. I had another yogurt this morning along with some cheese – a bit heavy with the dairy, but am hoping for some miracles, but it seems I’m getting constipated again. My parents had us take a gallon of whole milk home last night because they bought more milk from Costco and couldn’t finish it all, so I used some of it 10.9% of it to make some pancakes this morning. Somehow I wasn’t in the mood for any of it as I woke up with a huge headache and still have that headache.

TJ’s Before Lunch
The husband and I went to Trader Joe’s to do our weekly grocery shop, and there were some items I planned on getting. Unfortunately though, TJ’s did not have the items I was specifically looking for! Some TJ’s have an ice cream with boba in it, and I really want to try that. It was so disappointing that there weren’t any. I wonder if I’ll see them at the local TJ’s, as I never found the Ube pancake mix TJ’s had a while ago (they had the ube ice cream then, and that was delicious!). The other item I was looking for was their milk chocolate peanut butter filled cookies. My bestie said they are soooo good, and I’m not a fan of peanut butter, but the description reminded me of a different Ferrero egg, so I was sold. Maybe next time…

Got my Boba Fix for the Week!
I really wanted some Mediterranean food today, such as some hummus and kabobs, but the places nearby milk tea places were closed today. We then decided to try a new takeout place and ordered various Chinese lunch specials. Each of them came with eggrolls and hot n sour soup. Yum!! I opted for a honeydew green milk tea with agar pearls today. We also got an almond milk tea with regular pearls and a mango milk tea with agar pearls, but they switched the teas in those 2 drinks. Still yummy though.
Today’s Workouts
I probably half-assed most of today’s workouts because my head kept hurting. Darn inconsistent hormone/time of the month headaches/migraines! It feels like a hangover to some extent, minus the nausea portion. It helps a lot when I move when I have a hangover (can’t keep still, otherwise I’d get nauseated), but these migraine ones is just a constant headache with a lot of sensitivity toward light. Moving my head just hurt more than usual. Anyways, today’s workouts were –
- 5 Minute Fat Attack – very quick, some jumping. Did this one slowly cause of my darn headache.
- Perfect 10 Abs – 10 moves of ab work. Another short video, which was very much appreciative.
- 5 Minute Flat Abs – another 5 minute workout!
- 6 Min to a Sexy Little Waist – yaaaay for short videos today. This one mentions muffintop.
- POP Pilates Muffintop Massacre – the longer video of the day – around 15 or 17 mins or something, similar to the above one targeting the muffintop area. I didn’t really enjoy this one of laying down on the side and the candlestick dippers.

Dinner – Leftovers
I played quite a bit of Homescapes before dinner. The most productive thing I did was I took my shower and started listening to The Office podcast on Spotify during my shower. Dinner tonight consisted of some leftovers from yesterday and today’s lunch, notably the lemon chicken and sweet n sour chicken. The above pic was part of our lunch, as I did not take a picture of our dinner platter.

Shortbread Cookies from TJ’s
It was overall a disappointing TJ’s trip today, but I did see some Walkers Shortbread. I’ve never heard of these until a friend mentioned them a while ago. I tried one after dinner, and they were pretty good. Somehow I didn’t like the smell (somehow reminded me a little bit as buttered popcorn which is ehhh to me because of the smell), but the texture was amazing. The texture was just soooo good that I can easily have several of these in one sitting, especially with a cup of coffee or tea to pair with these.

Today’s Overview
My sweet tooth kicked in again today, but it was so satisfying. The boba was really good as well as the other sweet stuff that I’ve had today.

Week 3 Recap
My mood wasn’t the best through this whole week was the time leading to my time of the month and the “heavy” days of it. I didn’t feel like doing much, and kind of feel bad that I didn’t clean part of my bedroom or even do my laundry this week. Here’s to week 4 though… c’mon, clean living space!

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