Fitness Journal

Fitness Journal – Day 66 of 90 (Curses, Chocolates!)

Happy Wednesday! It’s day 66 of 90 of this 90 day journal journey. Busy day with work throughout morning – early evening, but then I just watched a lot of TV after work.


It was another typical morning consisting of some coffee and various TJ’s foods. Pita chips were calling me today, so I had some of that throughout the day. 

Ugh, More Chocolate

The problem with having sweets at time is that I have nearly no self control over it. I keep eating the Easter chocolates, and I did not feel too great afterwards. It reminded me a bit when I had gestational diabetes, but a bit worse. Shoot, I hope I’m not pre-diabetic, but the symptoms did match up a bit. 


It’s Wednesday, so it’s one of those pick-up/drop-off assignments days for the kids. We got Chipotle and Starbucks today. Yaaay, double star day! I got extra shots in my caramel machiatto and drank around half of it and am saving the other half for tomorrow since I want to get most of my caffeine intake in the morning and not after that. The Starbucks oat milk shortage is no joke. I’ve become quite fond of their barista oat milk due to its creaminess, but they were out of it today. Chipotle was pretty good today, with some extra hot sauce in my steak bowl. 

Today’s Workouts

It’s always feels good when I’m able to complete my workouts before dinner time. Today’s videos were – 

  • Fat Melter & Ab Trainer – a 30 minute workout work a warm-up, round 1 of various moves, round 2 of those same various moves, and a cool down. It took me a while to finish this one because of work, but I got through it, minus the cool down part. The rounds were pretty good, with some cardio/HIIT, then abs, and repeat. 
  • 6 Min to a Sexy Waist – one of Cassey’s older videos. It was alright, but not one that I’d really enjoy doing again.


My parents gave us a bag of frozen meatballs weeks ago, and we finally made some of them tonight for dinner. The husband and I each had 6 meatballs with some pasta with marinara sauce and cheese. It was as expected… homemade meatballs taste much better of course. The kids and I watched more Tournament of Champions. Good stuff.

Today’s Overview

I had a great water day and am drinking more of it tonight. All that sugar from the morning really got me thirsty, which is not a good symptom. It could have been from the chips as well… hmmm.. no clue. Otherwise, it was alright today. Work was really busy, and just chilling watching some TV feels so good after all that.