Fitness Journal – Day 24 of 90
Day 24 of 90! Keeping track of the days this month as been fairly simple because I started on the first, so the days just correspond to whichever day it is this month. It won’t be so simple when the new month starts though!
Morning – So Busy!
I got a response re my coffee beans. They mentioned it’s safe to assume the beans are MIA so they’re shipping me new beans in hopes I’ll receive them before the weekend. Sweet! I had a single-serve coffee along with the second half of yesterday’s packet of smoked salmon, pretzel crisps, and cheese. Work was very demanding early on today so I worked a lot this morning, including some zooms with various individuals at work.

Lunch Time!
Wow, morning flew by and it was already lunch time. I drank a Starbucks double shot before lunch, and the husband picked up some Chipotle for lunch. My bowl was excellent with extra cheese and extra hot salsa. I find it hilarious that our son keeps asking for Chipotle, and our daughter keeps asking for McDonald’s. Perhaps we’ll get some McD’s on Friday, but no promises there.

Boba and Snacks
We got some boba from ShareTea today and I got my usual many toppings QQ milk tea from them. I’ve tried a lot of their drinks, but keep going back to their QQ milk tea. So good! It was a busy afternoon with work, and I was mindlessly snacking on the remaining 3D Doritos and other stuff. My mouth doesn’t feel too great and my lips are cracked from all that salt I’ve been having this week.
Today’s Workouts
It took a while for me to complete today’s workout videos, but I got them all done! –
- Quick Sweat – a light cardio workout, dancing through 2 songs. It was around 7 minutes.
- Gorgeous Legs – similar to the above, a light cardio workout that dances through a couple songs.
- Hip Hop Fat Burn – wow, ok. Practically the same as the other 2 – short videos that are light in cardio, dancing through a couple/few songs.
- Extreme Ab Flattener – ah, alrighty… the longest workout for last. This one was around 30 minutes long, and I modified quite a bit! My legs had trouble doing ab exercises so low or high and straight, and my core is rather weak. It was good practice though and I aim to be able to do this video without modifications and breaks in the near future.

Dinner and Evening
Today’s dinner consisted of yesterday’s leftovers. I had the same thing as I did yesterday – leftovers of chicken vindaloo curry, creamed spinach curry, and naan. Ah, so good! I’ll wrap up this soon as there’s more work to do tonight.

Today’s Overview
Over 2,000 Calories again today, but a lot of salt. Ice cream happened after I took the picture of today’s entries, LOL. My lips hurt, so I’ll try for no chips tomorrow to reduce that portion of my sodium intake. Somehow I feel extremely bloated today that my food baby was extremely visible. Ugh!

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