Fitness Journal

Fitness Journal – Day 55 of 90 (Green Tea Opera Cake!)

It’s day 55 of 90! It’s been an amazing day for my tastebuds, especially with the matcha opera cake for dessert after dinner tonight. Mmmm.. matcha is yum, opera cake is yum, so matcha opera cake is more yum?


Wow, I did not sleep well last night. One of the kids got a bloody nose in the middle of the night and the dogs decided to dig the bed and such. Anyways, I got up and had some brewed coffee and ate the remaining kung pao chicken for breakfast. 

Lunch @ Parents’ House

We headed to my parents’ place, but before that, we picked up a matcha opera cake for my brother’s birthday. Great stuff there. Lunch was maki rolls and dumplings. 

Today’s Workouts

Saturdays are relax/recovery days, and today’s workout videos were stretches – 

  • 10 Perfect Morning Stretches to Increase Energy – around a 10 minute video of various stretches. Not bad.
  • Yoga for Splits – a longer 20 minute yoga/stretching workout.

Before Dinner and Dinner

Super chill afternoon. I watched various episodes of The Office and played Homescapes all afternoon. Dinner consisted of steak, veggies, chicken, squab, and more. Red wine was involved as well. No worries as no online purchases were made… yet. 

Matcha Opera Cake

We picked up a matcha / green tea opera cake from our usual cake dealer in Berkeley. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the cake. So good! I love matcha and opera cakes are really good too. Mmmmm… too bad there were no leftovers LOL.

Today’s Overview

Again, very chill day. Good food, TV watching, etc. Somehow I consumed a lot of fat in relation to other macros today, but whatever.