Fitness Journal

Fitness Journal – Day 9 of 90 (10% Completed!)

Day 9 of 90 of this 90 day fitness journey complete! That’s 10% of the way there. YESSSS!! It’s been an very busy day work-wise today, so I’m enjoying some wine as I type up this blog post.


The outside has been gloomy all this week, and it was not easy to wake up this morning because of that. I had my usual coffee and had some Trader Joe’s pretzel slims with some smoked salmon and cheese for breakfast. I’ve been rather constipated for days, so I had some dried fruit too. I prefer fresh fruit overall, but Trader Joe’s did not have fresh peaches, so I tried some dry white peaches for a boost of fiber.

Ice Cream and Workouts

I was in the mood for something sweet and ended up having a mochi ice cream. So good! I had some time after a couple hours of working and took that opportunity to do today’s workout videos. Unfortunately, I took many breaks in between to answer/read emails, but I got them all done! The workouts today were – 

  • Silent Death Fat Melting Cardio – a nice 6 minute video. It wasn’t bad at all!
  • 20 Minute Round Booty Workout – this one was good, but a little intense as you work one leg/butt cheek at a time through all the moves until you do the other side. It was nice though. I worked my right leg and butt cheek, then the left, and then the final moves were working out both at once. 
  • 10 Minute Beautiful Butt Plump Workout – this one was very similar to the previous one with a lot of similar/repeated moves.
  • 4 Minute Upper Butt Lifting Workout – ehhh… it was lying down on the stomach the whole time. Not my fave at all.

Lunch and Hot Chocolate

Lunch consisted of leftovers from yesterday’s lunch and dinner. The daughter wanted hot chocolate for her afternoon dessert, so we made some in the afternoon. I whipped a fresh batch of whipped cream (super simple – 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1 tbsp sugar, and 1/4 tsp vanilla extract), and it was so good! A yogurt may have been a better choice, but no regrets!


Work started to pile in a lot in the afternoon, and I worked nonstop till dinner and a bit afterwards. Dinner consisted of a creamy soup with Italian sausage, kale, and extra cheese. I feel it’s rather simple, delicious, and nutritious! Tonight was supposed to be a shower night, but it was getting so late that I might take my shower tomorrow, or even Thursday since Wednesdays are generally extremely busy. 

Day Overview

OK, I’m drinking more water right now, so I’ll double the 3 cups of water. I felt OK overall today, much better than yesterday. Work was a lot more productive, and my neck hurt way less.